Hayward Brothers and Eckstein

of 187 and 201 Union Street, Borough, London, SE
1783 Company established.
Previously Hayward Brothers (of Union Street)
1890 Mention in connection with the Southwark Foundry Co. '...by William Hayward and William Eckstein, trading as Hayward Brothers and Eckstein, of Union-street, Southwark, Surrey, Engineers, creditors of the said Company...'[1]
1896 Incorporated as a limited company
1914 Engineers and ironfounders, manufacturers of pavement lights, casements etc. Specialities: pavement lights, iron staircases, ventilators, steel sashes, casements, iron doors, collapsible gates, "Copperlites". Employees 350. [2]
1914 Advert - Branches in 3 Simpson Street Manchester and 141 West Regent Street, Glasgow.
Later became Haywards