of Stourbridge, holding company of an engineering and building group
1964 January: the group was established[1]
1964 Listed shares on the Birmingham Stock Exchange, followed soon after in London, to raise money for 5 acquisitions[2] of private companies.
By November the group owned 17 companies.
1965 Acquired E. A. Cadman of Wolverhampton, maker of milk coolers and heat exchangers, and Lustre Finish Anodising of Birmingham[3]; also Merrick and Heath, builders merchants and glaziers, and Midland and Provincial Securities, company registrars of Wolverhampton[4]; also Unit Swimming Pools of Wolverhampton[5]; also George Taylor (Wolverhampton), civil engineering contractors, and George Taylor (Plant Hire)[6]
1965 The group consisted of engineering companies, merchants and building companies[7]
1966 The groups policy remained expansion by internal growth and acquisition[8]
1968 Acquired by John Folkes, forming John Folkes Hefo