Henderson and Glass

Iron and steel merchants of Vulcan Street, Liverpool.
Established 1867.
1922 Partners: Charles J. McAllester and Robert Glass. Manufactures.— All descriptions of rolled steel and iron for engineers, boiler makers, shipbuilders etc. Galvanized corrugated sheets, etc.
1929 Partnership change. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, Charles James McAllester, Robert Glass, Harry Shaw Glass, Lawrence Charles McAllester, carrying on business as Steel and Iron Merchants at 20, Vulcan-street, in the city of Liverpool, under the style or firm of HENDERSON AND GLASS, has been dissolved by mutual consent as from the 30th day of September, 1929, so far as regards the said Charles James McAllester, who retires from the firm. All, debts due and owing to or by the said late firm will be respectively received and paid by the said Robert Glass, Harry Shaw Glass and Lawrence McAllester, by whom the said business will.-be carried on in the future under the style or firm of Henderson and Glass...'[1]
1930 Partnership change. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, Robert Glass, Harry Shaw Glass and Lawrence Charles McAllester, carrying on business as Steel and Iron Merchants, at 20, Vulcan-street, in the city of Liverpool, under the style or firm of HENDERSON AND GLASS, has been dissolved by mutual consent as from the thirteenth day of October, 1930. All debts due and owing to or by the said late firm will be received or paid by the said Robert Glass and Lawrence Charles McAllester; and such business will be carried on in the future by the said Robert Glass and Lawrence Charles McAllester, under the style or firm of Henderson and Glass...'[2]