Henry Ainley
Henry Ainley (1835-1902) of Platt Brothers
1902 Obituary [1]
HENRY AINLEY was born in Oldham on 12th September 1835.
At the age of fifteen he commenced to work at the Hartford Engineering and Machine Works of Messrs. Platt Brothers and Co., Oldham, and after a course of training in the drawing office, he spent some years in the fitting shops as a mechanic, and in the erection of machinery in cotton mills. He then returned to the drawing office, where the designing and laying out of mills and the planning of the arrangement of machinery were carried on, and for many years he had charge of that department.
His death took place at his residence in Oldham, after a very brief illness, on 6th October 1902, at the age of sixty-seven.
He became a Member of this Institution in 1893.