Herbert Kempton Dyson
Herbert Kempton Dyson (1880- )
1922 M.C.I., Cons. Engr.; b. 1880; s. of William Franklin Dyson, Architect. Ed. Battersea Grammar School Training: Several Tech. Coils. and Insts. Career: In, private practice as Cons. Engr., specialising in reinforced concrete and structural steelwork since 1906; Cons. Engr. for works ensuring stability of St. Paul's Cathedral, London; Lecturer on Reinforced Concrete and Structural Eng. at L.C.C. School of Building; Member of British Joint Committee on Reinforced Concrete; Hon. Sec. of Conference on the London Steel Frame Act; as first Secretary, helped to found the Concrete Inst. Publ.: "Everyday Uses of Portland Cement," published by the Cement Marketing Co., Ltd. Address: 17, Warwick Square, WestMinster, S.W.I.