Hillman and Sons

1890 Advertising for an iron moulder for general light castings, 'abstainer preferred'.[1]
1901 Cast the 4-ton chimney cap for the new Weston-super-Mare generating station.[2]
1943 Advert: 'HILLMAN AND SONS (IRONFOUNDERS). LTD. (381251).—Private company, registered June 19; capital, £1,000 in 1,000 shares of £1 each; objects, to carry on the business of steelmakers, ironfounders, smelters, refiners, engineers, metallurgists. &c.; directors. Albert E. Hillman, 10, Walliscote Grove-road, Weston-super-Mare; Wm. A. Hillman, 16, Walliscote Grove-road, Weston-super-Mare; registered office. 10, Richmond-street, Weston-super-Mare.'[3]