Hollins, Siddon and Co
1841 Partnership change. '...the Partnership lately subsisting between Joseph Paget, Henry Hollins, Thomas Paget, Henry Hollins the younger, Charles Paget, and Samuel Siddon, in the business of Preparing and Spinning Cotton Yarn or Twist in certain Mills and Works at Pleasley, in the county of Derby, and in Vending the same when so prepared and spun, under the firm of Hollins, Siddon, and Co. was dissolved, by mutual consent, on the 1st day of January last; and that the said business will in future be carried on in partnership, at Pleasley aforesaid, by the said Joseph Paget, Thomas Paget, Charles Paget, and Samuel Siddon, together with William Hollins, under the firm of William Hollins, Siddon, and Co....'[1]
1844 Partnership change. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, William Paget the elder, Thomas Paget, Charles Paget, Samuel Siddon, and William Hollins, carrying on business at Pleasley, in the county of Derby, as Cotton Spinners, tinder the firm of William Hollins, Siddon, and Co. was, on the 15th day of May 1843, dissolved, by mutual consent, so far as regards the said William Paget the elder...'[2]
Presumably became William Hollins and Co