Holmwood and Holmwood
of 17, Gracechurch Street, E.C., and at Lloyds', London, E.C. Merchants, Commission Agents, Insurance and Ship Brokers and Underwriters
1849 Established by Charles Holmwood. One of the oldest firms in the trade.
Partnership Successions:
1858 Holmwood & Row
1861 Holmwood, Row & Co.
1876 Mare, Holmwood & Co.
1895 Holmwood & Holmwood.
1902 Incorporated as a Limited Company
1914 Directors: T. D. Holmwood (Chairman), E. Holmwood, E. S. Holmwood, F. W. Senier. Business: Merchants, Commission Agents, Insurance and Ship Brokers and Underwriters.