of Elverton Street, London.
of 12, Carteret-street, Westminster, London.
of Teams Glassworks, Gateshead
1896 Business established.
1896 George Davidson and Co started to produce prismatic illuminating ware for the Holophane company. This type of glassware had to be made to a high precision to achieve the desired light distribution. This was the start of a long association between the 2 companies.
1909 Holophane Glass Co, of 12, Carteret-street, Westminster , London, offered the Holophane system of illumination.
1922 Holophane Scientific Illumination was at 12, Carteret Street, Westminster, S.W.1.
1926 Company incorporated.
1951 Tank and pot furnaces: gas. Illuminating glassware, with the use of precision designed prismatic glassware in lighting fittings as a special feature. Trade Names: Holophane; Holoflux; Vertilateral.
1961 Scientific lighting glassware manufacturers and street lighting, commercial and industrial illuminating engineers. [1]