Horstman Cars Ltd of James Street West, Bath
Note: Name was spelled as Horstmann and Horstman in their advertising at different times
1904 Sidney Horstmann and his brothers established the Horstmann Gear Co to develop a variable speed gear-box he had invented for cars and motorcycles. This was not a success but the company became well-known for its clockwork mechanisms and timers, and he went on to make cars in Bath producing about 1500 Horstman Cars between 1913 and 1929. Around ten of the cars still exist.
1913 Sidney Horstmann (born 1881) launched his first car at the 1913 London Motor Show.
1913-1917 For a list of the models and prices see the 1917 Red Book
Produced about 1500 Horstmann cars between 1913 and 1929. Around ten of the cars still exist.
1919 As Managing director of Horstmann Cars Ltd, Sidney Adolfe Horstmann was awarded the OBE [1].
1919 Exhibited screw gauges, plate gauges and measuring appliances
c.1920 Dropped the second "n" in Horstmann in their advertising.
1924 Petition for winding up the Horstman Cars company presented by creditors[2]
1929 End of car production. Between 1914-29 around 1,500 cars produced
1930 Company dissolved[3]
1957 The telegraph address of Horstman Ltd in Bath was Horstmancars; both this and the earlier business were located in James Street, Bath
1990 Memories of working there by Richard Chapman.[4]