Hotel China Co
of New Cannon Street, Manchester.
China and Earthenware Manufacturers and Glass Importers, also Manufacturers' Agents for Best Sheffield -Silver Plate and Cutlery.
Established in 1903.
Incorporated as a private Limited Company in 1912.
1914 Directors: F. R. Gleave (Managing Director), and Miss J. R. Brotherton. Staff: Office, six; three travellers, call on all Hotels, Restaurants, &c., in the United Kingdom. Specialities: Toughened Glass, Vitrified Earthenware, guaranteed not to crack in the Glaze. Glassware special pro-cess in acid etching and badging on same. Connection: In the Potteries chiefly for China and Earthenware, Manchester and abroad for Glass, and Sheffield for Electro Plate, Silver and Cutlery.