Hubert Edwin Whitfeld
Hubert Edwin Whitfeld (1875- )
1922 B.A., B.Eng., M.Inst.M.M., Prof. of Min. and Eng., Univ. of W. Australia; b. 1875; s. of Edwin Whitfeld, M.A. (Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge). Ed. Sydney Grammar Sch., Australia. Training: Univ. of Sydney. 1902-12—Metallurgist and Manager, various Mines in W. Australia; 1913 to present,— Prof. of Min. and Eng., Univ. of W.A.; 1916-IC— With British M. of M., first as Asst. Insp. of Steel in U.S., then with Explosives Supply Dept. in London. Clubs: Weld, Perth, West Australia. Address: University, West Australia.