Humber Fishing and Fish Manure Co

of Hull
Fish Fertiliser manufacturer
1914 Manure, Cake and Fish Products Manufacturers, 135, High Street, Hull. Hours of Business: 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1912, formed by the amalgamation of the business of F. Scott (established 1876), and E. Thomas (established 1900). Directors: Clive H. Wilson (Chairman), Ernest Thomas (Managing Director), Kenneth Philip (Secretary), William Hewitt, Frank B. Sanderson. Premises: Two Manure Mills, one 'Oil Mill. Staff: Up to 100. Branches: Maxwell Street, Stoneferry; 59, High Street, Hull. Speci: Fish Manures of all grades, Cattle Feeding Cod Liver Oil, Fish Meal Compound, Feeding and Dairy Cakes and Meals, and Fish Meal for Poultry and Pheasant Feeding.