Ichisuke Fujioka
Ichisuke M. E. Fujioka (1857-1918)
1919 Obituary [1]
ICHISUKE FUJIOKA, fourth class of the Imperial Japanese Order of the Sacred Treasure, died on the 5th March, 1918, at his residence in Tokio, after many years' illness of paralysis.
He was born in March 1857 at Iwakuni, and graduated in electrical engineering at the Imperial Japanese College of Engineering in May 1881.
He at once obtained an appointment as assistant professor at the same college, and was promoted to the professorship in 1884.
After five years' service he retired, and was appointed chief engineer of the Tokio Electric Light Company, the first electric light undertaking in Japan.
Later he became one of the founders of the Tokio Electric Railway Company, the forerunner of the present municipal tramway system. In addition, he was interested in the manufacture of incandescent lamps and very early established the Tokio Electric Company, later devoting much of his time to the work of that company, of which he was president until his death.
He was elected a Foreign Member of the Institution in 1884 and a Member in 1911, and he served as Local Honorary Secretary and Treasurer for Japan from 1892 to 1916