J. B. Lewis and Sons

of Haydn Road, Nottingham.
Hosiery manufacturers, Meridan menswear.
1815 Established by James Blount Lewis, at Tewkesbury.
1865 Partnership change. '...the Partnership lately subsisting between the undersigned, James Blount Lewis, James Winterbotham Lewis, and William Winterbotham Lewis, carrying on business as Hosiery Manufacturers, at the town of Nottingham, under the style or firm of J. B. Lewis and Sons, has been this day dissolved by effluxion of time, so far as regards the said James Blount Lewis; and that the business will henceforth be carried on under the same style or firm by the said James Winterbotham Lewis and William Winterbotham Lewis alone...'[1]
1894 Incorporated as a Limited Company.