James Bertram Thomas
1922 M.B.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Naval Arch., etc.; General Manager of The Salvage and Towage Co., Ltd., 28, Fenchurch Street, E.C. T. A.: "Salvatowa, Fen, London." T.N.: Avenue 8758 and 8759. Training: Admiralty Sch. and Naval Yards. Seven years in the Naval Designing. Dept. of Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd.; 8 years as Asst. to the Director of Naval Construction, Vickers, Ltd. Chief Works: Warships of all types inclusive of submarines, mercantile vessels, mine and submarine defences, oil extraction and hydrogenation, coal carbonization on plants. Publications: "Strength of Ships," "Powering of Ships." War Services.—Superintended the design and installation of mine defence for British Mercantile vessels in the chief ports of the United Kingdom and within the Mediterranean, also all designs of installations for protection, mine-sweeping and submarine attack of and by the allied European navies.