J. Edmundson and Co

of 33 to 36 Capel Street, Dublin
English office at 19 Great George Street, Westminster, London[1]
1880 Makers of Wigham's Patent 'Atmospheric' Gas Machine (see advert)
1880s John Richardson Wigham was head of the firm (in Ireland)
1884 Mary Edmundson, Widow, John Richardson Wigham, Henry Wigham, and Joshua William Edmundson, carried on business as Gas Engineers, and Electricians, under the style or firm of J. Edmundson and Co. at No. 19, Great George-street, Westminster, when they applied for winding up of Jablochkoff Electric Light and Power Co[2]
1887 Description and drawings of lenses and gas burners used in Wigham’s patent double quadriform light for lighthouses, as exhibited in the Irish section of the 1887 Royal Jubilee Exhibition Manchester by J. Edmundson and Co of 33 to 36, Capel-street, Dublin.[3]
1888 Limited company
The business was principally involved in providing lighting installations to large country mansions, public institutions, etc
1897 Edmundsons' Electricity Corporation was incorporated as a public company to acquire Edmundsons Ltd, engineers and electricians, of 19 Great George St, [4]