J. L. Larkworthy and Co

J. L. Larkworthy and Co of Worcester
1864 Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership subsisting between us, the undersigned, Joseph Seaman and Henry John Tipping, as Manufacturers and Vendors of Excelsior Harrows, and other implements and kinds of machinery, at Lowesmoor Iron Works, Sansome-place, in the city of Worcester, was dissolved on the 1st day of January last by mutual consent; and that all debts due from and owing: to the said late partnership, will be paid and received by the said Joseph Seaman and John Lavington Larkworthy (who has since entered into partnership with the-said Joseph Seaman), at Lowesmoor Iron Works aforesaid, at which place the said business will in future be carried on...'[1]
1894 June. Royal Agricultural Society's Show. Wagon or Cart Hoist or Elevator.[2][3]
1938 Creditors meeting called.[4]