J. M. Marchinton

of Washington works, Hunslet lane, Leeds, manufacturer of Agricultural implements.
John Moreton Marchinton was born in Sheffield on 22 May 1830, son of James Marchinton (a licensed victualler) and his wife Jane, née Morton. [1] His widowed mother married Joseph Ashforth of Joseph Ashforth and Co in 1836.
1851 - Census records him as a Merchant’s Clerk.
1854-c1858 – entered into partnership with his brother James, trading as Marchinton Brothers, as machinists in a works in Sheffield belonging to their step-father.
1861 - Census records him as a commercial traveller, as does his marriage certificate in 1864.
1868-1869 – A Hardware merchant, resident at Victoria Place, Leeds.[2]
1870 – J M Marchinton, Manufacturer of fasteners, engineers’ tools and agricultural machinery. Washington Works, Hunslet Road, Leeds. [3] (Located on junction with Ingram Street; despite the coincidence of name and road, this is not believed to be the same Washington Works as had been occupied by [Thomas W. Cross and Co] until 1866).
1872 – J M Marchinton, agricultural implement maker, Washington Works, Hunslet Street.[4]
1873 advert – “To Farmers, Agriculturalists, and Others. Reaping and Mowing Machines, Single and combined. Hay makers from £11 11s. Horse rakes from £6 10s each. All the Principal Makers kept in stock. Thrashing Machines, own make from £10 to £100 each. Horse Works, complete, own make, from £9 each. Double and Single Furrow Ploughs, Harrows, American Hay Forks, Hay Rakes, Shovels, Scythes &c. J. M. Marchinton, Agricultural Engineer, Washington Works, Hunslet Road, Leeds. Attendance, Corn Exchange, Leeds.”[5]
1873 - Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by John Moreton Marchinton, of Hunslet-lane, Leeds, in the county of York, Implement Manufacturer and General Dealer.[6]
Died 23 Oct 1879, described as an agent.