Joseph Meilbek ( -1913)
1886 of 7 Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street.[1]
1910 Consulting Engineer to the Tasmanian Government Railways
1913 Died. 'Mr. Joseph Meilbek, was a very old and intimate friend of mine; amongst other posts he held that of Consulting Engineer to the Tasmanian Government for many years. and he resided in England for a quarter of a century; for the greater part of that time his residence was in The Avenue, Kew Gardens, while his offices were in Victoria-street, Westminster. Mr. Meilbek left England to live permanently in Prague, his native city, about two years ago, but continued to visit this country from time to time. In addition to the legacy to the Richmond Hospital, the fact of which I became acquainted with immediately after his death, he also bequeathed a similar legacy to the Westminster Hospital, besides the sum of £2,000 to the Technical Education Schools in Prague, of which city he was a prominent and much esteemed resident and was President of the English Club there. This information will probably be of interest to the hospitals benefiting, who will no doubt become acquainted with it through the medium of your column. J. A. Ehrenfest, St, Dorothy's, Lonsdale-road. Barnes.'[2]