John Ormond Riddel (1887- )
1922 B.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Civil Engr., c/o M. Muir and Co., Bank Place, Kilmarnock. T. N.: 104 Kilmarnock; b. 1887; s. of James Riddel, A.R.S.A., R.S.W. Ed. Routenburn School; Edinburgh University; Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh. Apprenticeship, West End Engine Works Co, Edinburgh. Assistant with Middleton, Hunter and Duff, M.Inst.C.E.; Contractor's Engineer, Imperial Graving Dock, Leith; Consulting Engineer, Canada. Resident Engineer, Montreal Herald Building, eight stories; Calgary Herald Building, thirteen stories; Regina Service Reservoir. Chief Works: Design of C.P.R. freight terminal, Toronto; Ranchman's Club, Calgary, etc. Clubs: Constitutional, London. War Services.—Four years' commissioned service in (I) Northumberland Fusiliers; (2) Royal Engineers. Overseas part of each year, 1915-6-7-8.