J. Parker Ellison

of Pelso Works, 48-50 Folds Road, Bolton, Lancs.(1929)
of Pelso Works, Bradshawgate, Bolton, Lancs. Also 320 Regent Street, London, W1. (1947)
See John Parker Ellison and his son John Wilfrid Ellison
'A WHILE ago you printed a letter about the first carry-cot. Although, as you said, "Silver Cross" brought one out in 1934, this was not the first. About 1932-33 a man, believed to live in Bolton, made three cots. One he kept, one he gave to a shop to sell and the third he took to a local firm to see if they could manufacture from his sample. The firm, J. Parker Ellison, produced the first carry cot in 1933. Known as the 'Pelso', Karri-Kot, it was made from leathercloth.'[1]
1929 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of Canopies, Rugs and Quilts for Baby and Doll Carriages, Quilts for Cots and Beds, Doll and Infant Folding Cots, Motor Rugs and Foot Muffs. (Stand No. D.11) [2]
1947 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of Rugs, Canopies, Quilts, Pillows and Mattresses for Baby Carriages and Cots. "Pelso" Karri-Kots, Baby Carriers, Patent 4-Way Kiddie Seats, Doll Folding Cots. (Olympia, 2nd Floor, Stand No. J.2277) [3]
1951 Advert. Festival of Britain. South Bank Exhibition. Homes and Gardens Pavilion. The Child in the Home: Carry Cot. [4]
1957 Patent - Improvements in canopies for perambulators. [5]
1960 Patent - Improvements in carrying cots. [6]