James Beveridge Anderson Begg
James Beveridge Anderson Begg (1872-1938)
1938 Obituary [1]
JAMES BEVERIDGE ANDERSON BEGG was a partner in the firm of Messrs. Begg and Peebles, mechanical and electrical consulting engineers, of Edinburgh. He specialized in the installation of heating, lighting, and electric power equipment for public institutions and for municipal contracts.
He was born at Bo'ness, Linlithgowshire, in 1872, and was educated at the Heriot-Watt College and at the University of Edinburgh. In 1889 he began a six years' apprenticeship with Messrs. James Bertram and Son, Ltd., of Leith, and was engaged on the manufacture of paper-making and rubber machinery.
He then went to Johannesburg and took charge of the erection of pumping plant and a 20-mile pipe line from Zuurbecom water works to Johannesburg. After gaining additional experience as assistant engineer at the Rose Deep Mine of Rand Mines, Ltd., he returned to Edinburgh as engineer and manager of the Asbestic Sand Brick Company, Ltd. He then turned his attention to automobile engineering and became assistant works manager to the Albion Motor Company, Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow, and subsequently works manager to Messrs. Middleton and Townsend, Ltd., of Edinburgh, motor car and tractor engineers. From 1908 until 1910 he was engineer to the Scottish National Exhibition and Marine Gardens, Ltd., Edinburgh. He began his work as a consulting engineer in 1910, and in 1929 he went into partnership with Mr. A. C. Peebles, O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., the firm being reconstituted as Messrs. Begg and Peebles.
In 1934 he was elected a Member of the Institution and he was also a Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. His death occurred on 29th April 1938.