James Burton, Sons and Waller

of John's Place, Holland Street, Blackfriars, Southwark.
Steam engine boiler makers.
formerly James Burton and Sons.
1860 James Burton, Sons and Waller mentioned in regard to tender for iron.[1]
1861 Hydraulic press constructed by James Burton, Sons and Waller.[2]
1866. Partnership dissolved. '....the Partnership hitherto carried on by us under the style or firm of James Burton, Sons, and Waller, as Engineers and Millwrights at John's-place, Holland-street, Southwark, in the county of Surrey, has been dissolved, so far as regards the undersigned Bennett Alfred Burton, as and from the 1st day of January last; and that all debts and claims against the said copartnership business will be paid and discharged by the undersigned Henry Mortimer Burton and George Waller the younger.....' [3][4]
1870 Listed 'Burton, James, Sons and Waller, Holland Street, Southwark'.[5]
1871 Mention as Burton, Sons and Waller.[6]
Later became George Waller and Son