James Edgar (of Newry)
of Newry
1854 Advert: 'LISNACREE SCUTCH-MILL, WORKED BY A TWENTY HORSE POWER Engine, made by Mr. James Edgar, Iron Works, Newry, having had fair trial last crop, and given every satisfaction, is now ready for the new flax. Parties sending Flax will have the satisfaction of knowing they will perfectly safe, as the Stackyard will be kept insured for the full amount Stock on hand, and no quantity of dressed Flax will be allowed to remain about the Mill. Three good CLEANERS still WANTED. T. M. HOUSTON, Heartsfort.'[1]
1856 To James Edgar: 'I am happy to inform you that, after a sufficient trial of the Reaction Water Wheel you made for me, its Power comes fully up to my expectations, although fall is only sixteen feet, with moderate supply of Water. I find the Threshing Mill has more Power and steadier driving than heretofore, when it was driven by four horses.'[2]
1857 Advert: 'TO BE SOLD. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS FOR SALE ONE Six-horse High-pressure ENGINE, only at work One Year, with BOILER and FITTINGS complete; One four-horse ditto, with BOILER and FITTINGS, nearly new, and in good Repair; also Two good BOILERS, one 30 feet long, 4 feet diameter, Plates, Lowmoor iron; One 14 feet long, 4 feet 3 inches diameter, with Flue, Plates (?) thick, which he will dispose of on reasonable terms, all or part thereof, at his STORES. JAMES EDGAR. Newry Iron Works. Newry.'[3]
1859 April. Works to be sold: 'NEWRY IRON WORKS FOUNDRY, together with the Steam Machinery, Lashes, Tools, Moulding Boxes, Models, &c., &c., used in the trade. To a person wishing to commence in the trade, a rare opportunity now offers, for an established Business, at small Head Rent, well situated on the Merchant's Quay, Moderate Outlay, and 26 Years’ Lease.[4]
1859 October. Sale adjourned.[5]