James Edmund Edgecombe
James Edmund Edgecombe (1865-1953)
1919 Tungsten Lamp Association.[1]
1939 Director, The Stearn Elect. Co., Ltd., 31 Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W.1. Private Address: Kawabata, Surbiton Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey. Career: Pupil G.W.R. (civil eng.); Crompton and Co; Kensington and Knightsbridge Electricity Co, Ltd.; Notting Hill Electricity Co, Ltd.; Chief Engr., Kingston-upon-Thames Corp. for 25 years; Director, Electric Lamp Manufacturers' Assoc. of Great Britain, Ltd.; Pres., I.M.E.A., 1905 and 1912; Pres., D.E.U.A., 1914.