James Harold Garnett
James Harold Garnett (1886-1935)
1935 Obituary [1]
JAMES HAROLD GARNETT was for many years a member of the staff of Machinery, of which he became associate editor.
He was born at Keighley in 1886 and received his technical education at Keighley Trade and Technical School. He served his apprenticeship from 1902 to 1908 with Messrs. Darling and Sellars, machine tool manufacturers of Keighley, and then became a foreman at Messrs. Ward, Haggas and Smith's works in the same town.
In 1912 he was appointed manager of the Girling Motor Company, of Bedford, and a year later he was made superintendent of the machine shop at Messrs. Ayrton and Company's Manchester works.
Four years later, after some months' experience in Liverpool in the running of a shell factory on contract during the War, he joined the Austin Motor Company, which was then organized for the production of munitions, and took charge of the inspection department in the North Works, which he reorganized to deal with 12,000 shells and 50 guns per week.
At the close of 1918 he joined the staff of Machinery, and was associated with this journal until his death, which occurred on 25th July 1935.
He was elected an Associate Member of the Institution in 1917.