James Henry Hyde
James Henry Hyde (1886-1932)
1931/32 Obituary [1]
James Henry Hyde was educated at East London College and Birkbeck College, and obtained the Degree of B.Sc. Eng., London, and the Whitworth Exhibition, being second on the list for the latter.
He served his apprenticeship at the Great Eastern Railway Co.'s Works at Stratford, and was then appointed to the Engineering Staff of the National Physical Laboratory as Mechanical Engineer in the Aeronautics Department. Three years later he became Assistant in the Mechanical Engineering Department, and subsequently, in 1918, Senior Assistant in charge of special mechanical tests and transmission of power research.
He was joint author of a standard work on Mechanical Testing, and of a paper on Gear Efficiency read before the Institution, and was also responsible for several other papers before various Societies.
He died on 27th February, 1932, after several years of illness, at the age of 45.
He was elected a Member of the Institution in 1920.