James Joseph O'Neill
James Joseph O'Neill (1862- )
1922 F.R.S.A., M.I.N.A., M.I.E.S., M.Soc.N.A. and M.E. (U.S.A.), Assoc. M.(U.S.) Naval Inst., Cons. Naval Arch. and Surveyor; b. 1862; s. of James O'Neill, J.P., Shipbuilder. Ed. St. John's Sch., Birkenhead; and Rutherford College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Training: Swan and Hunter's, Wallsend; and Sir W. G. Armstrong, Mitchell and Co., Elswick, S. Kensington Hons. in Physics and Electricity. App., Swan and Hunter, Wallsend; Asst. to Chief Draughtsman, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Elswick; Naval Designer and Constructor, Naval Construction and Armaments Co., Barrow-in-Furness; 20 years Asst. to Manager, Designer and Chief Draughtsman, The Fairfield S. and E. Co., Ltd., Govan; 3 years General Manager, Rennie, Forrestt and Co., Essex. Papers to Eng. Insts. Address Oxford House, Oxford Street, Southampton.