James Rennie and Co
1862 Contract for the Swansea and Neath line had been let to Messrs James Rennie and Co.[1]
1868 Dissolution of the Partnership between John Logan, John Rennie, James Hemingway, and Christopher Mackay Read, in the trade or business of Railway Contractors, carried on at Lewisham, in the county of Kent, and elsewhere, under the firm of James Rennie and Co. In future such business will be carried on by the said John Logan, John Rennie, and James Hemingway, under the same style or firm of James Rennie and Co.[2]
1869 Dissolution of the Partnership between John Rennie, James Hemingway, and John Logan, in the trade or business of Contractors for Public Works, carried on at No. 21, Stamford-street, Blackfriars, in the county of Surrey and elsewhere, under the style or firm of James Rennie and Co. In future such business will be carried on by the said John Logan alone, under the same style or name[3]