James Thomas Simpson
James Thomas Simpson (1849-1907)
Executive Engineer, Calcutta. Workshops Division, Civil Engineering College, Seebpore, Calcutta.
1907 Obituary [1]
JAMES THOMAS SIMPSON was born at Bangalore in the province of Mysore, Southern India, on 13th June 1849, his father being a Captain in the Indian Staff Corps.
The earlier part of his education having been received in the Doveton Protestant College, Madras, he proceeded in 1866 to the Indian Civil Engineering College at Madras, and served his time in the workshops attached thereto.
Having graduated as a Bachelor of Civil Engineering at the University, he was appointed in 1869 as an assistant engineer in the Public Works Department, Bengal, under the late Mr. W. Duff Bruce, M.I.Mech.E.
Subsequently he held appointments in various divisions of the government service in India, and in 1880 had charge of the workshops attached to the Government Engineering College at Calcutta.
During a later period his services were requisitioned for British Burma, and he was resident in Rangoon, Tonghoo, and Thyetmoo for seventeen years. At the time of the last Burmese War he held a temporary commission on the staff of the Royal Engineers, and received the Burmese war medal.
His death took place at Bournemouth on 27th December 1907, at the age of fifty- eight.
He became a Member of this Institution in 1885; and was also a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers.