John Dove
of 31 St. Andrew Street, Glasgow
1834 Company established.
1903 'Thomas Anderson Dove sold and transferred, as at 5th October 1903, the Business of Wholesale and Export Basket and Perambulator Manufacturer carried on by him at 14, 15, and 23 St. Andrew's Square, Glasgow, and 9 Candleriggs there, under the Firm name of JAMES & THOMAS A. DOVE, to Donald Dove, William Scaling Dove, and John Dove, all Basket and Perambulator Manufacturers and Merchants, carrying on business at 31 and 33 St. Andrew's Street and 1 and 44 St. Andrew's Square, Glasgow, under the Firm name of John Dove.'[1]
1914 Manufacturers of perambulators, baskets, invalid carriages and high-class toys. Specialities: baby carriages, horse carriages, ambulances of every description, invalid carriages, wicker chairs and all kinds of hampers. Employees 150 to 200. [2]