John Ernest Raworth
John Ernest Raworth (1876-1930)
1930 Obituary[1]
Mr. John Ernest Raworth, whose death, we regret to record, occurred in St. Thomas’s Hospital, London, on Wednesday, May 14, had had both a direct and an indirect connection with Engineering for many years. In 1905 he became associated with the late Sir W. Lloyd Wise as the compiler of the Engineering Illustrated Patent Record, and since 1910 has continued to contribute that useful feature to our columns. In later years he has been assisted in that work by his partner, Mr. E. W. Moss. His indirect connection was that he was the nephew of the late Mr. B. A. Raworth, who was for many years joint-editor of this journal. He bore a remarkable facial resemblance to his uncle, and had many personal characteristics in common with him.
Mr. Raworth was born at Chesterfield on October 5, 1876, and received his early education at the Southport Grammar School and the Grocers’ Company School, Hackney, London. He then proceeded to the Northern Polytechnic, where he went through a course of engineering training and subsequently attended classes at the Regent Street Polytechnic and at Finsbury Technical College. It is not easy to say a great deal about the useful professional life which followed, for during the whole of the remainder of his career he acted as a patent agent. He was articled to Messrs. Lloyd Wise and Company, and remained in their service until he joined Mr. J. G. Lorain in 1905. Very shortly afterwards, however, he commenced practice on his own account and from the very beginning specialised in electrical work, a branch of science and engineering which even then, and obviously to a still greater degree in later years, has attracted a great deal of attention from inventors. In 1919 he entered into partnership with Mr. E. W. Moss, the practice being subsequently carried on under their joint name.
Mr. Raworth was a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents and had served on the Council of that body. He was also a member of the Verband Deutscher Patentanwalte, and an associate of the Institution of Electrical Engineers."