John Ferrabee
John Ferrabee (c1789-1853) of John Ferrabee and Sons
Married Esther
1818 Birth of James Ferrabee
1820 Birth of Henry Ferrabee
1822 Birth of son Edward
1827 Birth of son John Willoughby
1830 Birth of son Arnold
1832 Birth of daughter Hester Lucina. 1861 Married Henry Trevor of Plymouth. [1]
1835 Birth of daughter Caroline
1836 Patent. 'To John Ferrabee, of the Thrup, in the parish of Stroud, in the county of Gloucester, engineer, and Richard Clyburn, of the same place, engineer, for their invention of certain improvements in power-looms; sealed Jan. 21—six months for inrolment.'[2]
1853 Death of John Ferrabee at Bowbridge, formerly of Phoenix Iron Works aged 64. [3]