John Henry Hargreaves
John Henry Hargreaves (1847-1903) of Hick, Hargreaves and Co
son of William Hargreaves
1903 Obituary [1]
JOHN HENRY HARGREAVES was born at Hindley, near Wigan, on 4th May 1847.
After being educated at Harrow School, he served his apprenticeship with Messrs. Hick Hargreaves and Co., of Bolton, of which establishment his father, the late Mr. William Hargreaves, was sole owner.
He occupied a leading position until his father's death in 1889, and, on the business being converted into a company in 1892, he was appointed chairman and managing director, which position he occupied until his death.
He took a great interest in the foreign business of the firm, spending some time on its account in Russia in 1898.
He was also a director of the Bolton Iron and Steel Co., and of the Bridgewater Spinning Co.
For some years he was an officer in the Loyal North Lancashire Regiment of Rifle Volunteers, and was also for some time a member of the Bolton Town Council.
His death took place at Bolton on 8th January 1903, in his fifty-sixth year.
He became a Member of this Institution in 1887.