John Henry Pick

John Henry Pick (Jack Pick) (1866-1954) of Pick Motor Co and J. H. Pick and Co
1866 Q4. Born at Stamford the son of Robert Pick, a Butcher, and his wife Catherine
1891 Living at 2 Tenter Lane, Stamford (age 24 born Stamford), a Blacksmith. With his wife Emily (age 22 born Clipsham) and their daughter Eunice K. (age1 born Stamford).[1]
1901 Living at 5 Blackfriars Street, Stamford (age 33 born Stamford), Manager of a Motor Company. With his wife Emily (age 31 born Clipsham) and their daughter Emmie Kathleen (age 11 born Stamford). [2]
1911 Living at 11 St. Martins, Stamford: John Henry Pick (age 44 born Stamford), an Engineer Motor and Employer. With his wife Emily Pick (age 42 born Clipsham, Rutland) and their daughter Eunice Kathleen (age 21 born Stamford). Both women are listed as 'assisting in the business'. (Married 22 years with one child) [3]
1916 '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us, the undersigned, Charles Gray and John Henry Pick, carrying on business as Motor Manufacturers and Dealers in Motor Accessories, at Stamford, under the style or firm of "J. H. PICK & CO." and the "NEW PICK MOTOR CO.," has been dissolved by mutual consent as from the 23rd day of November, 1916'[4]
1922 His automobile business closed and he opened a market garden business and became successful at this.