John Lionel Hood
c.1800 Born[1]
1829 Married Mary Parker in Saint Cuthberts, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland[2]
1839 John Lionel Hood appeared before the Court of Banruptcy to answer questions about his accounts. He explained he had spent a great deal of money in the patent for the manufacture of wire rope (the invention of Mr Andrew Smith). Although the Admiralty had not yet placed an order, the Emperor Russia had sent 2 vessels to be rigged with the ropes[3]
1840 The creditors under a Fiat in Bankruptcy awarded against John Lionel Hood, of Princes street, Leicester-square, and of Great Grimsby, Lincoln, Rope-Manufacturer, Dealer and Chapman, were requested to meet the assignees of the said bankrupt's estate and effects to decide on filing a bill in equity against Mr. Andrew Smith, of Princes-street, Leicester-square, Engineer, for the purpose of taking the partnership accounts of the firm of Andrew Smith and Company (of which firm the said bankrupt was, at the date of his bankruptcy, a member);... and also (decide) as to the propriety of the assignees bringing an action of trover against the said Andrew Smith, for the recovery of the separate property of the said bankrupt now in the possession of the said Andrew Smith, and withheld by him from the assignees of the said bankrupt; and also to (decide) .... on bringing an action against a certain person, to be named at the said meeting, for the recovery of a certain indenture,... made between Maximilian Richard Kymer and John Lionel Hood... [4]
1847 Died in Marylebone[5]