John Mare
of Plymouth Foundry, Russell Street, Plymouth
FIRE ENGINES for Public or Private Buildings.
JOHN MARE, Engineer, Plymouth,
WHO It the Sole Manufacturer of HEARLE'S PATENT FIRE ENGINE, begs most respectfully to recommend to the Nobility and the Public in general, this most invaluable Machine. The Frequent calamitous Fires that take place, renders it most essential that speedy means should be used whereby, at the earliest alarm of Fire being given, the Inmates without further assistance could have recourse to some plan of stopping its progress. Any building provided with a tank, or any other means of bringing Water to the Premises, can have an Engine so constructed, that in the event of Fire taking place, two or three persons have only to go immediately to the Engine, and with the Hose (which should be screwed on every night) the Water can discharged in any direction, and to any distance that may required, and instead of awaiting the arrival of the Town or other Engines, and very often for a supply of Water after such Engines arrive, by having one on the premises, no time would be lost, the work could be at once commenced with. It would discharge Water at the rate of Half-a-Ton per Minute, which will be quite sufficient to extinsuish a Fire discovered at an early period. Such is the great utility of those Engines that they can be employed if necessary to fill a Cistern at the top of any Buildlng, or for any purpose where Water is required at a distance from the Premises, by screwing on extra lengths of Hose.
Her Majesty’s Royal Navy has been supplied with great number for the last Five Years; they are used for washing the Decks, and kept ready in case of Fire.
ENGINES are constantly kept on hand at the Manufactory Russell-Street, Plymouth, and can supplied at short notice.
J. M. will be happy to wait on any Gentleman who may wish to adopt the use of his Engine, to give any further Information that may be desired.
Second-Hand STEAM BOILER FOR SALE, Calculated for A 6-Horse Power Engine,
Plymouth, May 1st, 1840.'[1]
See Also
Sources of Information
- ↑ Western Courier, West of England Conservative, Plymouth and Devonport Advertiser - Wednesday 6 May 1840