John Rotton
John Rotton (1726- ), Ironmonger of Bath
1736 April 11th. Born in Dudley
1756 April 19th. Married in Shropshire to Elizabeth Clive
Birth of daughter Elizabeth Rotton who married George Stothert
1781 September 6th. Advertisement. Partnership between John Harris and Matthew Parys, Ironmongers, is dissolved. Messrs Harris and Parys transfer their business to John Harris and John Rotton.[1]
1784 March 25th. Advertisement. 'NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership between JOHN HARRIS and JOHN ROTTON, of the city of Bath, Ironmongers, Braziers, Tinmen, &c. is, by mutual consent, this day dissolved. All persons who stand indebted to the said partnership are requested to pay their respective debts to the said John Harris alone, who has engaged to pay all debts owing by the laid partnership. They return their unfeigned thanks to their friends and the public for past favours., and beg leave to remind them, that the Business will in future be carried on in an extensive manner by JOHN HARRIS and GEORGE STOTHERT, at their Manufactory In Horse-street; where they make and sell every article in the above branches, wholesale and retail, of the best quality, and at very low prices. Amongst the variety of articles they manufacture are, Kitchen Grates upon the best construction; Bright, Bath, and Register Stoves of the most elegant patterns; Smock jacks with horizontal or perpendicular movements, warranted to perform in any chimney. The much approved perpetual Chimney-Ovens (which they first introduced into Bath) for baking all kinds of pastry, bread, or meat, are now sold compleat at three guineas each, warranted to answer the purpose, with instructions to let them in any part of the kingdom. Lock-work, bell-hanging, mill-work, edge-tools, carpenters planes, &c. executed in the best manner. As they will keep a large assortment of Kitchen Furniture of all kinds of metal, any Lady or Gentleman may be supplied at the shortest notice.'[2]