John S. Deed and Sons

of 91 New Oxford Street, London, WC1. (1922)
of 40-42 Osnaburgh Street, Euston Road, London, NW1. Telephone: Euston 6044. Cables: "Deeds, London"
of Mitcham
See John Simkin Deed
1922 Listed Exhibitors - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of all classes of Leather for the Fancy Goods, Bookbinding, Upholstery and Automobile Trades; Case and Bag Hides, Enamelled Leather, Chamois. (Stand No. J.68) [1]
1947 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Producers of All Classes of Leather for the Shoe and Leather Goods Trades, Bookbinding and Furniture Leathers, Moroccos and Hides. Makers of pure Cod Oil Dress Chamois Leather. Specialities: Goat and Sheep. (Earls Court, 1st Floor, Stand No. 406) [2]