John Wayne-Morgan
John Wayne-Morgan (1880-1951)
1952 Obituary [1]
"Major JOHN WAYNE-MORGAN, M.C., R.E. (T.), was well known as a consulting engineer in South Wales, having practised in that capacity at Cardiff since 1905 until his death, which occurred on 16th January 1951 at the age of seventy-one. He received his general education at Clifton College and his technical training at Cardiff College and the Central Technical College, South Kensington. In 1901, on the completion of a three-year apprenticeship with the Uskside Engineering Company, Ltd., he held short appointments as engineer to Mr. Thomas Parker, Wolverhampton, and as assistant to Mr. G. Beith, Pontypridd, electrical engineer. After a brief period in business on his own account as electrical and mechanical engineer, he began his long career as a consultant. His activities in this direction wire of a varied nature, his advice being extensively sought by colliery companies in connection with electrical and mechanical schemes, as well as by industrial undertakings and numerous public authorities. During the 1914-18 war Major Wayne-Morgan served for four years in the Royal Engineers and was in command of field companies in France. He was awarded the Military Cross in 1916, and retired with the rank of major in 1923. He had been a member of the Institution since 1906 when he was elected to Associate Membership, his transference to Membership taking place in 1922. He was also a Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers."