John William Cockrill
John William Cockrill
1922 A.R.I.B.A., Borough Surveyor and Architect. Great Yarmouth Town Council, Town Hall, Great Yarmouth. T. N.: (Office) Gt. Yarmouth 122; (House) Gt. Yarmouth 155. Assistant under H. H. Baker, Town Surveyor, Great Yarmouth. Appointed Surveyor Local Board of Health, Gorleston and Southtown, December, 1869. When the Gorleston and Southtown district was merged in the Great Yarmouth Borough he was re-appointed Surveyor for the district. In January, 1882, appointed Borough Surveyor and Architect to Corporation. Since 1869 has been engaged on reconstruction of Sewers. Also school and general architectural work, including a Town Planning Scheme for 1,660 acres. Past President Municipal and County Engineers; Past President Town Planning Institute.