Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 166,836 pages of information and 246,603 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

John Woodcroft

From Graces Guide

1778 Born at Sheffield

1800 June 23rd. Married at Sheffield Ann Boocock

1803 Birth of son Bennet Woodcroft

1831 Partnership changed. John Woodcroft, John Gould and Bennet Woodcroft of Manchester, cotton manufacturers and patent yarn printers. John Gould leaves.[1]

1838 Partnership Dissolved. John Woodcroft and Alan Royle, Manchester, printers of yarn and goods.[2]

1841 Listed as John Woodcroft and Co, dyers, printers and manufactu­rers of patent spotted yarn and warps, Middleton's court, Chapel street, Salford.[3]

1841 Living at Chorlton Upon Medlock: John Woodcroft (age c60), Printer. With his wife Ann Woodcroft (age c55) and their children Bennet Woodcroft (age c30), Artist and patentee; and Cooper Woodcroft (age c20 (female)). Two servants.[4]

1851 Living at Eginton Terrace, Moss Side, Lancs: John Woodcroft (age 70 born Sheffield), Print Works employing 80. With his wife Ann Woodcroft (age 65 born Sheffield) and his niece Jane Woodcroft (age 23 born Manchester). Two servants.[5]

1856 April. Decease of John Woodcroft of Bennet Grange, Fullwood.[6]

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. Perry’s Bankrupt Gazette - Saturday 24 September 1831
  2. Sheffield Independent - Saturday 01 September 1838
  3. 1841 Pigot & Slater's Directory of Manchester and Salford
  4. 1841 Census
  5. 1851 Census
  6. Sheffield Independent - Saturday 27 December 1856