Jones Brothers (of Holloway)
of Holloway
1867 William Pearce Jones from Caernarvonshire and his brother John William Jones opened a drapery business at Gloucester House, Holloway Road. Later joined by Robert Jones, another brother.
1892 Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, William Pearce Jones and John William Jones, carrying on business as Drapers, house Furnishers, and General Providers, at Holloway-road, Holloway, in the county of London, under the style or firm of Jones Brothers, has been dissolved, by mutual consent, as and from the 20th day of February, J892. The said business will henceforth be carried on under the same style of Jones Brothers by the said William Pearce Jones alone...'[1]
1893 Jones Brother and Co formed
1940 Acquired by the John Lewis Partnership
1990 Company closed