Jones Sewing Machine Co

of Guide Bridge, Audenshaw near Manchester, Manufacturers of Sewing Machines
of Stamford Works, Guide Bridge, near Manchester. (1922)
The Jones sewing machine company was one of the oldest sewing machine companies in the world.
1889 The company was registered on 5 July, to take over the business of Jones and Co, sewing machine manufacturers. [1]; John Jones was managing director, William Jones was also a director[2]
1905 Took over the sewing machine business of Bradbury and Co
1914 Directors: John Edward Mellor, J.P. (Chairman), Joseph Watson Sidebotham, J.P., Albert Jones, Fred Jones, Joseph Mellor. Secretary: Percy Jefferson.
1914 Manufacturers of sewing machines. [3]
1922 Directors: J. E. Mellor (Chairman), J. W. Sidebotham, A. Jones, F. Jones and J. Mellor. Sec. P. Jefferson.
During WWII the Jones factory carried on producing sewing machines for the war effort but also produced uniforms and parachutes.
c.1952 Acquired by Imperial Continental Gas Association[4]; became part of British Sewing Machines
c.1962 Imperial sold its interest in Jones Sewing Machine Co which had minimal book value[5]
Late 1980s: Jones name disappeared from sewing machines
Jones still survives and is now part of the Japanese Brother Industries who were originally famous for their superb hand built pianos and now make a huge range of domestic and industrial machinery, everything from computers to keyboards.