Joseph Connell
Joseph Connell (1868-1938)
1938 Obituary [1]
JOSEPH CONNELL was a consulting engineer practising on his own account in Barbados, where he lived for most of his life. He was born there in 1868 but came to England in 1882 to complete his education at Christ College, Finchley. In 1885 he commenced a five years' apprenticeship with Messrs. George Fletcher and Company, Ltd., of Derby, with whom he gained a knowledge of sugar machinery. Returning to Barbados, he became assistant to Mr. J. J. Law, consulting engineer, who took him into partnership in 1898. As Messrs. Law and Connell, the firm acted as consultants in connection with numerous sugar and cotton factories. Mr. Connell became consulting engineer to the Barbados Government Railway in 1903, and in 1911 he was made consulting engineer and managing director of the Barbados Foundry, Ltd.
In 1926 he was appointed a member of the Advisory Commission to the Government of St. Vincent, concerning the advisability of the erection of central sugar factories. He was also responsible for erecting all pumping plant for the Barbados Government, including the Belle pumping station which had a daily capacity of 1,000,000 gallons.
Mr. Connell, who was elected a Member of the Institution in 1930, died in London on 19th October 1938.