Joseph Corbett
Mr. Joseph Corbett, C.E. of Manchester.[1]
1843 Born in Pendleton
1869 Talk by Mr. Lowry and Joseph Corbett on the Prevention of Floods in the Irwell at a meeting of the Manchester Institution of Engineers at the Royal Institution .[2]
1871 Joseph Corbett 28, sanitary engineer and valuer, lived in Broughton, Salford, with his wife Mary E Corbett 27[3]
1892 of Broughton; appointed Borough Engineer for Salford
1893 Credited with introducing trickling filtration using distribution by spray nozzles, at Salford sewage works. (Bailey Denton is credited with designing and building the first trickling filter in 1871 in Birmingham. It used soil rather than hard material as the filter medium). [4]. Bailey Denton was probably John Bailey Denton.
1911 Living in Whaley Bridge; borough engineer[5]
1913 A Joseph Corbett, born c.1842, died in Macclesfield