Joseph Frank Strong
Joseph Frank Strong (1826-1895)
1862 Joseph F. Strong, Resident Engineer, East Indian Railway, Allahabad.[1]
1895 Obituary [2]
JOSEPH FRANK STRONG, born on the 24th of May, 1826, was educated at Sunderland and in Germany.
After serving a pupilage to his father at the Birtley Ironworks, Durham, he was engaged for the late C. H. Wild for three years on the contract drawings for the Chester and Holyhead Railway, and on the inspection of the works. He was then in charge of the drawing office, and subsequently assistant manager, at Ransomes and Sims, Orwell Works, Ipswich, where he remained five years.
In 1854 Mr. Strong entered the service of the East Indian Railway Company. After being in charge of the line at Raneegunge for twelve months, he assisted the late Mr. George Sibley on the works of the bridge over the river More in the Beerbhoom District.
He then carried out surveys in the Jubbulpore District, and in 1859 was placed in charge (of the foundations of the bridge over the Jumna at Allahabad, the then largest railway bridge in the world.
In 1862 he was in England on sick leave, and on returning to India in the following year was placed in charge of the Cawnpore District. That post he held until the autumn of 1871 when the East Indian Railway Company, compelled to reduce its staff, dispensed with his services.
Mr. Strong returned from India in 1872. In the hope of increasing his income he unfortunately made some injudicious investments which, turning out badly, left him in greatly reduced circumstances. Added to this his efforts to obtain employment proved futile, and ill-health, which after a few years became chronic, soon rendered him unable to accept work had it offered itself. A spinal affection developed into paralysis and for years he lived in retirement on the south coast, nursed and tended by a devoted wife.
The end came on the 5th of January, 1895.
Mr. Strong was elected a Member on the 2nd of December, 1862.