Joseph Hampton
Presumably these all concern the same person:
1869 Patent to Joseph Hampton, of Wednesbury, in the county of Stafford, Manufacturer, and Samuel Partridge, of Darlaston, in the county of Stafford, Surgeon, for the invention of "improvements in velocipedes."[1]
1876 Patent to Joseph Hampton, of Wednesbury, in the county of Stafford, Tool Manufacturer, for the invention of "improvements in flooring cramps."[2]
1897 The Joseph Hampton Ltd company was wound up voluntarily to enable amalgamation with the Steel Nut Company Limited. John Howard Cochrane of Saltley Villa Highfield-road Saltley near Birmingham, Mercantile Clerk, was appointed Liquidator; H. P. Nicklin was Chairman of the Meeting[3]
See Steel Nut and Joseph Hampton