Joseph Merricks Gavin (1874-1945)
1922 A.K.C., Assoc.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Casilla 140, Antofagasta, Chile. T. A.: "Gavin, Antofagasta." b. 1874; s. of James Gavin, Hampstead, formerly Leith; m. Frances Lewis in 1910. Trained: King's College, London, Apprenticed Vauxhall Ironworks Co. Articled to Prof. Henry Robinson. Assistant to Hunter and Middleton. M.Inst.C.E., Staines Reservoirs; Resident Engineer, under Mr. Melliss, M.Inst.C.E., Staines Sewage Disposal and Cromer Waterworks; Engineering Assistant, Admiralty (Works Loan Department); Chief Waterworks Engineer, Antofagasta and Bolivia Railway Co.; Engineer for Antofagasta Oil Supply Station; Engineer in charge new Nitrate plant, Fortuna Nitrate Co. Chief Works: Main pipe lines, over 200 miles in length, for water supply of Antofagasta from Bolivian Andes, with accessories.